Wednesday, 24 July 2013 17:03

Eco Planet: who will save the world?

After “Monsters University” and “Titeuf – The Movie”, it’s time for another preview at Giffoni Experience. At 17 the long animation film Eco Planet will be screened at Sala Sordi. The movie was directed by the Thai Kompin Kemgumnird, produced by Auchara Kijkanjanas and realized by M2Pictures. As suggested by the title, the movie deals with the themes of environment and eco system.The planet is in jeopardy. Global warming has caused the widespread formation of heat devils that are reproducing and spreading all over the planet. World leaders join the President of Capital State to launch "Cool Bomb" missiles, unaware that their technology will destroy the ozone layer.    Meanwhile, the President's son, Sam, is lost in the jungle on a scouting vacation. He is rescued by Nora, 14 year-old, and her younger brother Kim, 3 year-old, who has a special gift that allows him to communicate with nature. And the planet has told him that the only way to stop the heat devils is to starve them of energy. The three friends desperately try to find a way to save the planet and the mankind.
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Tuesday, 23 July 2013 20:44

Giffoni fans greet Logan and Alexandra

Logan Lerman’s snow-white face and Alexandra Daddario’s blue eyes threw into raptures Giffoni Experience youths. The two young American actors were welcomed by thousands of delirious fans, who were crowding Cittadella for today’s national teaser premiere of Percy Jackson second installment (called  'Percy Jackson - Sea of Monsters'), produced by Fox and set for Italian release on 12 September.   Percy Jackson has now become a planetary hero, a symbol for the present teenage generation, who identify themselves with the character just like the previous one did with Harry Potter. A dyslexic demigod seems more human and that’s the reason why kids and youths all over the world have fallen for him. “When I was a child – explains 21-year-old Californian actor Lerman (who plays Percy) – Harry Potter was one of my heroes. Percy is a demigod if compared to common people, but he’s not perfect – for instance he’s dyslexic and hyperactive – , that being a strong point of his, something that make children easily identify with him and realize that they can go beyond their own limits”. “To show the youths who suffer for whatever deficiencies that they are able to become remarkable people is a positive message” – agreed 27-year-old Alexandra Daddario (who plays the part of Annabeth Chase, a demigoddess daughter of Athena) –  "The film helped me feel positive about the future”.   Hundreds of youths coming from all over the world waited for hours since early this morning, not to miss the chance to be at the teaser preview. The leading actors' longed-for arrival at Giffoni Experience was greeted with tons of gifts: love letters and drawings for Logan, furry toys for Alexandra. Touched by such warmth and maybe a bit surprised, the young talents were willing to answer the children's questions for over an hour, in a hall crowded with more than one thousand teenagers, mostly moved to tears.   Logan Lerman started his acting career at only 5, when he got a part in the successful film 'The Patriot', starring Mel Gibson, gaining further recognition in a few years time for his roles in more than 15 successful international movies  "My parents have always been very supportive of me. They didn't feel sure that I could really make a living out of acting – he told the audience -  until a couple of years ago, when they finally realized I might make it. If you wish to be actors, try to follow your instinct, both at school and on the stage: it's a great job!".   Percy Jackson has been a showcase to young actress of Italian origin Alexandra Daddario, who's made a distinctive feature of her stunningly big blue eyes and fresh face. "I partly owe my being an actress to my parents – she told the young jurors – who enrolled me at a drama school when I was just a little girl". "Coming to Giffoni has been something amazing to us – they both went on addressing the journalists – "A film festival intended for kids and youths is such a good thing. Italy is very rich in culture, as we could realize being here at GFF".   Despite their brilliant careers, they both know they have to stay grounded. "We try not to stand aloof from the world around us. As actors, we live in a state of permanent uncertainty about the future, not knowing when we'll get to work next, but I can always rely on my friends' frank opinion and advice". "Uncertainty may be hard – Daddario agreed – but it's something you eventually go beyond. Being rejected is always unpleasant, but it can also give you the push for self-improvement".   After the Percy experience, Lerman is going to play another character from ancient times. He's been cast as Cam, Noah's son, in 'Noah', starring Russel Crowe in the role of the ark builder and directed by Darren Aronofsky. The film boasts an all-star cast, including Anthony Hopkins, Jennifer Connelly and Emma Watson. "It's a huge and wonderful film" – he confirmed – while Daddario admitted to be eager for new roles. "I'd like to try my hand at less faultless but more genuine characters, who can help me improve my acting skills".
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  "Dreamers can be scary because they're free and subversive. Everyday they remind you what you put aside in order to follow what is safe”. Lights out, silence, a single spotlight on the Sala Truffaut stage: Cittadella del Cinema was mesmerised by a thin and very touched voice. Only the notes of a great musician could be heard: Giovanni Allevi was playing the piano.   22th July is a day that will remain in Giffoni Film Festival history. During the years, many guests have walked the Festival blue carpet and met the kids, but nobody has ever proved to be as sensitive as Giovanni Allevi, who was given a standing ovation by the audience. “The music I create doesn’t resemble me - the composer said with great excitement – I’m anxious, my music is reassuring. I’m shy, my music is bold, overwhelming, subversive”.   An unusual teacher who doesn’t think of himself as better than others, but on the contrary puts himself on the same level as the kids. He set on the ground, he got emotional, he laughed and joked with the kids, not as a teacher but as a peer. “All my life, I’ve been studying the music of great musicians from the past in order to do the same as they did – he told the jurors – The secret is to take the old classical forms and apply contemporary contents to them. The present is the heart of existence”. Then, Allevi explained his view on the comparison with the classics: “I don’t agree with those who say that musicians like Mozart and Beethoven are out of reach. I think that it could be useful to take from them inspiration and example in order to do as much or even more than they did”.   An eternal child like him could not but be surprised by the young audience great enthusiasm and warmth: both the youths in the hall and the composer looked deeply touched.“I feel like I’m in the presence of a generation of rebels – he said - Children can bear a new kind of sensitivity, they don’t let themselves be flattened by external models”.   At Antiche Ramiere Allevi met the Masterclass youths introducing himself as a rebel and ascribing that particular trait of his personality to an episode of his childhood. He quoted Hegel, defining music as a “capricious witch”, a shifty beautiful woman who sometimes turns aside and gives him a handful of notes. “When I write on the pentagram I don’t usually express my emotions – he said - I may be doing the washing up and all of a sudden some music comes into my head, some melody which has got nothing to do with my state of mind”.   Before leaving, he wanted to dedicate to Giffoni youths a selection from his songs, such as ‘Back to Life’. “It’s never easy to discover that we have some talent – concluded the composer - We find what we really like doing when our eyes shine with delight and we can’t sleep at night, but it’s not a quick goal. It takes is burning passion”.
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Monday, 22 July 2013 13:37

Scheduled films of 22 July

Contest goes on at Cittadella del Cinema with five more films scheduled for today 22 July. Screenings start at 10 for Element +6 section at Sala Truffaut, with German movie V8-Start Your Engines by Joachim Masannek. It follows three kids: one is rich and spoiled, the second poor and modest, the third is a tomboy. Together they are the V8 band. Although they don’t like each other in the beginning, they share a common dream: to be the fastest racing team in the world. The great opportunity comes when they receive an invitation to The Castle, the legendary racing arena that only kids know about and that (rumour has it) has produced all F1 champions. At 10 - this time in Sala Sordi -  Element +10 section will attend the screening of another German movie: Ricky – Three’s a Crowd by Kai S. Pieck. In the German village of Herzfeld, Ricky and his brother Micha have a conflicting relationship. Their parents run a woodworking shop, but the business is in trouble and the family is out of balance. Things are going to change when a tough city girl, thirteen-year-old Alex, moves to the village. Thanks to her the two brothers will be able to make it up again. Jurors from Generator +13 section will watch Windstorm by German director Katja Von Garnier, on schedule at 14:30 in Sala Truffaut. After failing her exams, fourteen-year-old Mika, is sent off to her grandmother’s stables, where she refuses to work under the instruction of stable boy Sam. Mika has never cared for horses until she meets the wild stallion Windstorm. A friendship begins, showing Mika’s gift: she can communicate with horses. But the stables is going bankrupt and Windstorm is supposed to be sold to a butcher: Mika will have to hatch a plan in order to save him. From Germany to the USA with the Generator +16 film - The Spectacular Now by James Ponsoldt -, on schedule at 14:30 in Sala Alberto Sordi. High School Sutter Keely lead an irregular life. One morning, after getting drunk, he wakes up on a lawn with Aimee Finicky, a “good girl”. The two are very different: while Sutter is disenchanted, Aimee has many secret wishes for her future. Yet somehow, they’re drawn tog. The screenings end at 19 in Sala Lumiere with American movie It Felt Like Love, by director Eliza Hittman, for Generator +18 section. On the outskirts of Brooklyn, lonely teenager Lila becomes infatuated with Sammy, an older guy. Wanting something to brag about with her friends, she moves heaven and earth to attract his attention, but her desire will slowly turn into obsession.
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“TV has flattened acting, while cinema requires determination and great qualities”. Marco Bellocchio, one of today’s guests at Giffoni Experience together with his son Pier Giorgio, talked about cinema and the relationship with his son. “I tend to discourage the youths who wish to work in the movies because it takes a lot of perseverance, so that just the ones who really pursue their aims will have a few chances to fulfill them despite all troubles".   “Everything is different now. Once cinema was in Rome, later in Milan. Now it’s everywhere, thanks to the evolution of technology which doesn’t require high budgets anymore. I heard that Pippo Delbono made a film using a simple cell phone and it will be in competition at Locarno Festival. Technology is not binding because the aesthetics of cinema has changed. Film industry is now led by kids and youths – added Pier Giorgio -. Festivals like Giffoni Experience are good for everyone”.   Bellocchio father and son also talked about their personal and professional relationship. “We sometimes disagree but we don’t really argue like we used to do in the past. We live separate lives, though we meet from time to time both in personal life and on stage” – Pier Giorgio explained. In fact they are going to be together in theatres again very soon. “We’re putting on a show which is set to perform next December. My approach to this world is quite naïve, because it’s something I’ve never tried before. I’ve always been fascinated by that special links that actors can forge between one another, and I’m going to be an enchanted spectator too – said Marco. “Besides I’ve been writing a book set in Bobbio about the world of opera, which I don’t know very well though it has belonged to my imagination since I was a child".
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Saturday, 20 July 2013 20:52

Catrinel Marlon: Explosive beauty

  “Going on acting, being appreciated by you all and coming back here at Giffoni next year ”. These are the future plans of actress Catrinel Marlon, female protagonist of the film “La città ideale” and today – 20 July - guest star at Giffoni Film Festival. “Meeting you today provokes in me a strong feeling” – she said to the jurors – “and I hope to continue my acting career, started a few years ago. I’m just at the beginning and I’m studying to improve my English too, considering that I act both in English and in Italian”.   Another Marlon’s childhood dream is theatre: “They say that when you start to perform in theatre, you can’t give up anymore” – she said – “I wish I could try this career, just playing a little role”.   Before reaching the fame working in cinema industry, Marlon has had several international experiences as a model: “My adventure in the fashion world started almost by chance” – she explained – “I’ve grown up in a family of athletes; sport has always been essential as well as fitness. However, I would like to remind girls” – she continued – “that the weight is not everything in life, what is really important is the beauty that everyone has inside”.   The beautiful actress has been honored by GFF with a special award: Giffoni Explosive Award, which is conceived for emerging talents.
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“One of my dreams is to compete in Sanremo Festival and maybe work along with Fiorello, whom I admire as an actor and a show-man”. Ruggero Pasquarelli is happy and easy-going; he plays the role of Federico, one of the protagonists of Violetta, the Argentinian TV series that has won over  teen-agers' love from all-over the world. Welcomed by his fans’ applause, Ruggero, who will be 20 years old in September, arrived this morning at Giffoni Experience to present the new episodes of Violetta second season, that will be broadcast in Italy starting from October on Disney Channel.  During the long meeting with the press, the young actor, accompanied by his parents, talked about himself and his future; he told us he also plans to come back to music. “After I competed in the talent show X Factor 4, a new path opened  – he told to the jounalists – I was called to play in “Violetta” show and from that moment my life has changed. I’m very passionate about music. I adore Massimo Ranieri, whom I started to appreciate thanks to my father. I used to have a band with my two best friends, and now my new album is ready”. At the the moment, in Ruggero’s future there's still  “Violetta”. Ruggero had to move to Argentina and to live alone, in order to shoot the episodes of the first two seasons. He said “ I grew much wiser during these years. Living by myself, on the other side of the world, is  very formative. This is a very particular moment for me, I still have to get used to fame: I have some new friends in Argentina and I took a little bit of my Neapolitan culture to my work. My colleagues and I live all together and sometimes I cook pizza for them at dinner”.   The support of his family is essential for Ruggero: “ My parents help me stay grounded – he explaines – when I go back home they remind me that I’m a very distracted and messy person”. Ruggero will be staying in Italy for all Summer and will start acting as a protagonist in his first film for the big screen in September; he will work with Italian actress Virna Lisi. In Autumn, he will be touring Europe for “Violetta”, starting from Barcelona on 30th November. And then, maybe, “Violetta” again, the third season.
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It’s 21 July, the “scaring day”: Monster High Day arrives at Giffoni Experience, and today the attention is focused on the ironic fashion dolls by Mattel. Cittadella del Cinema will host the beauty area, a makeup stand for all Monster High fans. Over the day, the two fans Francesca B. and Giada F. - who invented a new story whose protagonists are those of the famous Web series - will be given the “Crea il tuo Episodio” award, arranged by Mattel. On 20th July, during the press conference the contest winners had been already announced by managing director Claudio Gubitosi, by Mattel brand manager assistant Gianluca Martelli, and by Business Unit Lead Girl Alessandra Miranda. The two contest winners will enjoy an amazing “Gala Dinner” in perfect monster style. Not to miss the new animated film Monster High 13 Wishes preview, available in DVD by Universal, from 16 October 2013. At Sala Truffaut there will be the screening of the film with Clawdeen and her younger sister Howleen on 21 July at 20.
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Saturday, 20 July 2013 11:19

Films in competition: 20 July

Giffoni Film Festival starts with the screening of five competition films for 3300 jurors on 20 July. For elements +6, at 10 in Sala Truffaut, there's the screening of I Swan by Kong Sheng (China, 2012). After her mother’s accidental death, Holly starts suffering from selective mutism disease. Her father takes her to the natural wetland where he works, in order to help her heal. Holly casually befriends a wounded swan and nurtures it back to health. Unfortunately, a man with evil intentions steals the swan, leading Holly and her father to begin a difficult search for her best friend. The Festival goes on with Elements +10 film Bekas by Karzan Kader (Sweden/Finland/Iraq, 2012) at 10:00 at Sala Alberto Sordi. Early ‘90s, Kurdish region of Iraq. Two Kurdish brothers - Zana, 7, and Dana, 10 – dream of fleeing from their country oppressed by Saddam Hussein’s regime and reaching the USA. Once they get there, their hero Superman will be able to solve all their problems and punish the dreadful dictator. But in order to cross the border they need money, passports and transportation. They don’t have any of that, nevertheless they resolve to undertake the travel. Touch of the light by Jung-chi Chang (Taiwan/Hong Kong/Cina, 2012) is, instead, dedicated to Generator +13 section at 14:30 at Sala Truffaut. Born blind in a rural family in Taiwan, Yu-Siang is a curious and precocious child and playing the piano is everything to him. With the love of his mother and support of his family, he grows up with no barriers; that is, until he has to face the real world as he left his family behind in order to go to the big city and attend university, where he has to compete with the sighted students and to find his own way. He soon crosses paths with Jie, a beautiful but frustrated cold drinks vendor who dreams of being a dancer. When she witnesses Yu-Siang’s fearless determination and understood his optimism and inner peace, she is inspired and determined to hold on to her dream. For Generator +16 at 14:30 at Sala Alberto Sordi there will be Before Snowfall di Hisham Zaman (Germany/Iraq/Norway, 2013). Siyar, the eldest son in a Kurdish family, is charged with tracking down his sister Nermin - who has escaped from her own wedding – in order to restore the family’s reputation. So he starts a journey from East to West, and the collision with a different culture and the Western living challenges him to find out who he really is. When he gets to Istanbul, Siyar meets Evin, a homeless girl who chooses to travel with him, unknowingly of his plan. The last film of the day is Generator +18 section Burnout by Verena S. Freytag (Germany, 2012) at 19:00 at Sala Lumière. Pelin lives in Berlin with her three children, all born from different relationships. The social services send them in a family retreat, in a countryside location in a spa town in northern Germany, in the hope that Palin can mentally and physically recover. The cure doesn’t seem to work, until Belin meets again Edin, her ex boyfriend.
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3300 kids from 41 countries arrived at Cittadella del Cinema for Giffoni Experience 43rd edition, that will take place from 19th to 28th July. It’s like a colourful party, a celebration of cultures that interwine each others; the cinematographic language connects kids and youth, ready to live the unique experience that is Giffoni Festival. It will be a brillian opening, with the preview of one of the most long-awaited movies: Monsters University, by Disney Pixar. There were so many reservations that the tickets were all sold out in a few minutes. The 3D movie, directed by Dan Scalon, is the new installment of Salley and Mike’s adventures saga, distributed by Walt Disney Company Italia and it will hit the theatres on 21st August. Francesco Mandelli and Fabrizio Biggio will be in Giffoni on occasion of the preview; they provided their voices to the double-headed character of Terry&Terry Perry for the Italian version. Other exceptional voices for the Italian dubbing are those of: Martina Stoessel, Lodovica Comello, the young Disney Channel stars of the cult series Violetta. They provided their voices to the PYTON NU KAPPA (PNK) sisters: Carrie and Britney. Dressed in pink, the apparently sweet and inoffensive PNK can turn into frightening creatures for the annual Scare Games. Prequel to Monsters & Co, the movie tells the story of how the freshmen Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan, known as “Sulley”, first met. Their very competitive attitude has made them to be expelled from the exclusive MU program for scarers. As if it was not enough, in order to sort things out, they will have to work together, teaming up with a bunch of monsters on the loose. One of the talents' names on the list for the first day is that of actress Stefania Rocca, who will present the short movie titled “Osa” to young jurors, dedicated to the problems deriving from imposed marriages, shot for ActionAid, of which she is also the sposor. Then, it will be Francesca Cavallin’s turn, one of the rising stars of Italian Tv who, after the success of the tv series “ Un medico in famiglia”, will star in “Adriano Olivetti – La forza di un sogno”, directed by Michele Soavi and alongside of Luca Zingaretti. The movie “L’ultimo goal” directed by Federico Di Cecilio will première; completely shot in the province of Avellino, the film revolves around Peppino’s struggle to become a football player and around his trainer and mentor Carmando, who helps him to make his father’s dream come true. There will be the participation of the film protagonists: Renato Carpentieri, Giorgiò Franchini, Massimiliano Gallo and Nello Mascia. At Cittadella del Cinema everything is ready; cinema and being forever young will be the captivating themes of the Festival, which will start tomorrow and will end on 28th July.
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