Archivio Film

  • Filters

In a Southern town, two different women, for age and experience, meet each other. Rosa is a 17 year old girl, holding on  to a teen love that she hopes will take her away...

Category Out of competition
Section Parental Control
Tipology Feature Film

Stefano works in the underground parking, haunted by the feeling of being 'invisible' for his clients. Suffering from loneliness, he is trying to bound with people to get out of...

Category Out of competition
Section Parental Control
Tipology Short Film

Wadjda, 10 year-old, lives in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. After a fight with her friend Abdullah, she sees a green bicycle for sale. She wants it, but her mother won’t...

Category Out of competition
Section Parental Control
Tipology Feature Film

Benjamin è un giornalista che scrive di avventure. Vedovo, cresce da solo i due figli. L’incapacità di vivere in una casa e in una città che l’hanno visto felice, lo spinge...

Category Out of competition
Section Parental Control
Tipology Feature Film

Eva ha accantonato ambizioni e carriera per dare alla luce Kevin. Fin dai primi anni però il rapporto tra madre e figlio è conflittuale. Due giorni prima del suo 16°...

Category Out of competition
Section Parental Control
Tipology Feature Film

The short is made up of three different stories about the conflicts between parents after a divorce.

Category Out of competition
Section Parental Control
Tipology Short Film