Archivio Film

  • Filters

In a university a session of examinations is about to begin. First, however, an assistant asks students to observe a minute of silence. Elsewhere, a young man is nervously talking...

Category Out of competition
Section Call to the Arts
Tipology Short Film

10-year-old Mika has a mild form of autism which makes it hard for him to connect with other people but gives him a great maths talent. One winter’s night Mika hears a neighing...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Feature Film

Caterina, 11 years old, loves to play soccer. Her idol is Rene Higuita, and she dreams of becoming like him. Unfortunately, Caterina never plays while her twin brother always...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Short Film

A stop-motion animated 2D and 3D film about endangered sea turtles, capturing their touching and perilous journey, from birth on a sandy beach to life in the ocean.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Lilla, una cagnolina orfana cresciuta in una fattoria, viene adottata dalla famiglia di Bruno, un bambino disabile.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Estate 1964, Riviera Adriatica.  Una ventina di bambini si allontana risalendo le dune sabbiose della spiaggia libera per scomparire nella pineta. Sono orfani con un destino...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Short Film

Every afternoon, Ahmed Al Jaber drives one of his breathtakingly designed vehicles – adorned with flags, golden ornaments and lights – on the Corniche in Doha. What motivates...

Category Out of competition
Section Qatar Special
Tipology Short Film

Vedere e ascoltare l'armonia di un carillon per trovare la serenità nonostante la crudeltà della guerra, attraverso un sogno e gli occhi di una bambina afgana, Aliah. Il...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Suzie è una ragazza in sovrappeso che frequenta il liceo. A causa del suo aspetto fisico, viene presa in giro dai compagni, in particolare da Jessica, che non perde occasione per...

Category Out of competition
Section Premiere
Tipology Feature Film

Los Angeles, in the late 1970s. Rudy Donatello works as a drag performer in a West Hollywood nightclub. One night, after the show, he meets Paul Fleiger, a deputy district...

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +18
Tipology Feature Film