Monday, 25 July 2022 20:05

Richard Madden receives the Giffoni Experience Award: “Working in Italy has been one of the best experiences of my career”

The day of Richard Madden at the Giffoni Film Festival ends with the tears of the Scottish actor who, from the stage of the Sala Truffaut, received the Giffoni Experience Award and said goodbye – rigorously in Italian – to the jurors: “I’m sure that, in the future, I will work with someone who is here in this hall”. Immediately after the customary selfie, the 36-year-old interpreter did not leave the Cittadella del cinema, as his colleagues often do, but put down the award in the car, and returned on the blue carpet continuing to say goodbye to the audience between photographs and autograph.

Shortly before, he explained to the giffoners the reasons of his affection towards Italy: “Working here has been one of the best experiences of my career. And I don’t say it just because food is good, or rather, too good, but also because tricolour productions are the most prone to improvisation and the most adept at solving problems. If you consider, instead, the American ones, the tone is totally different: everything is classified, meticulous, with countless tests to obtain perfection, but I much prefer the Italian method because it represents me best”.

The interpreter of Robb Stark of Games of Thrones, has no doubt: “On the subject of social inequalities, this Festival is in the right track, because it brings together, in the same place, people from far and wide… here the social class makes no difference”. Precisely with regard to his iconic role of King in the North and to his farewell in the episode of the Red Wedding, he said: “In that moment, after living side by side with the character for almost five years, this was the last shot, a substantial parallelism between the life on the set and my own life. It was a full-fledged farewell, which has made the moment less traumatic but also more realistic. At that moment, I really said goodbye to my friends and colleagues who, during the filming, have become my family”.