Friday, 16 March 2018 10:38



Investing on youth for the future: for this reason the bond between Fondazione Cariplo and Giffoni Experience builds up and takes the shape of “AttivAree”, a program at the service of the High School students of Val TrompiaVal Sabbia  and the Oltrepò Pavese. They are the heart of the project that entails Training courses, both practical and theoretical to be held in March and April. The youth will make a docu film and a spot under the guidance of the Giffoni Experience team aimed at highlighting the  region of the Oltrepò Pavese and Valleys of Brescia.

The first meeting is set on 17 March in the  Valli Resilienti: Until Sunday 25 the students of the schools “Primo Levi” in Sarezzo and “Perlasca” in Idro will learn the basics and thus develop the film with professional digital tools and will learn to use the ones they usually have in their pockets such as mobile phones and tablets. The short films, will be screened during the closing at the auditorium of the Liceo “Leonardo” in Brescia on 25 March and during the 48th edition of the Giffoni Film Festival

The second phase of“AttivAree” will take place in April, in accordance to the March templates: This phase will reach out to students in the Oltrepò Pavese area. This challenge was made possible thanks to the precious support of the Comunità Montana Val Trompia and Val Sabbia and to the Fondazione Sviluppo Oltrepò Pavese.

The “AttivAree” program, showcased on 16 and 17 January, was created in 2016: with a three year plan 2016/2018 – that testifies the huge attention for peripherical areas - Fondazione Cariplo aims at activating the attractiveness of the rural areas of  Lombardia, promoting the local sustainable development, highlighting the resources of the environment together with the social, economic and cultural ones

And what better way to do it than by focusing on young people? Precisely from this objective - to offer students opportunities for growth by enhancing the territory in which they live - the collaboration with the Giffoni Experience stems from this principal. A solid bond, which aims to fight the dispersion and escape of the new generations to other places: showing young people the potential and the value of the Valleys of Brescia and of the Oltrepò Pavese. A conversation on the "outskirts" and the very broad creativity, which the founder and director of the Giffoni Experience, Claudio Gubitosi, has personally experienced creating, in Giffoni Valle Piana, a village that has still less than 12 thousand inhabitants, the most important cinema event for children and young people in the world.

"To offer young people a different idea of ​​the marginal places in which they live in - says Elena Jachia, Director of the Environment Areas, Fondazione Cariplo and of AttivAree - can help them to understand that even if they stay there they can build their future. As for example, focusing on creativity. Because creativity has been the keystone for the future of a peripheral area such as Giffoni Valle Piana, which, through its Festival, from marginal has been put on the map. Giffoni Experience is an experience that Fondazione Cariplo wanted to seize and promote on the territories of the "AttivAree" Program as a successful example of rebirth but also as an opportunity to graft locally useful tools and relationships for the future of young people."

The young people were the pivotal point of a meeting last January, when hundreds of students from the Oltrepò Pavese and the Valleys of Brescia, involved in the "AttivAree" project, met the director Gubitosi in Lombardia. These include the Voghera institutes, such as the "Galilei" High School, the "A. Maserati" with section "Baratta", the "Carlo Calvi", with the offices of Voghera and Varzi, the "Santa Chiara" and the "Carlo Gallini"; the "Faravelli" by Stradella and the "Colleversa Comprehensive School"; the "Primo Levi" of Sarezzo, the "Perlasca" of Idro and the "Carlo Beretta", together with the training agency "Don Tedoldi" of Lumezzane. This event established the collaboration between the Fondazione Cariplo and Giffoni Experience, presented during the last edition of the Giffoni Film Festival.


May 08, 2024

#Giffoni54: First titles in competition announced

Category: News Giffoni Experience
Ethnic discrimination, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, sports as an opportunity for redemption and growth, the hardships of being a parent, a son or a daughter, the discovery of one's sexuality and the beauty that lies in not identifying oneself in any…