Tuesday, 21 July 2015 18:09


Planet-Y has been the main theme of the opening day of Giffoni Doha Youth Media Summit, which is currently being held at Antica Ramiera, in Giffoni Valle Piana, as part of the 45th edition of Giffoni Film Festival, in front of an audience of about 20 international delegates, including representatives of youth film festivals, film agencies and creative organizations.

Planet-Y is an innovative international network of latest generation, whose ambitious goal is to share on the Internet creative and cultural experiences, with the aim of promoting cultural events for children and producing creative works of art in the audiovisual and multimedia field, in line with the current social media based era.

GDYM Summit, promoted by Giffoni Experience and Doha Film Institute, in collaboration with Giffoni Innovation Hub, runs until Thursday July 23. “The importance of such experiment – declared Giffoni Valle Piana mayor Paolo Russomando during his institutional greeting – lies in its sharing politics which can lead to a general cultural growth, also through European funding programmes. Giffoni is an example of how to make a good use of such funding. We’ve been assigned about 200 million euros over the last years. It’s the demonstration that such programmes can create job opportunities and promote economic development in a whole community”.

"The GDYM Summit – declared Doha Film Institute CEO and Aiyal Youth Film Festival Director Fatma Al Remaihi in her introduction – represents the chance to provide continuity to the results born from our partnership. I thank Giffoni for sharing with us its cultural heritage and I thank Director Gubitosi, who is one of the people I take inspiration from. There are many other networks in the world, but not all of them can rely on our same passion, a passion that keeps us meeting the youth's needs and being emotionally connected with other people. Dream, courage and future are the three words I imagine related to our partnership".

"In order to live Giffoni's new season to the full – declared Director Claudio Gubitosi, who took part in the opening day of the GFYM Summit – we must destroy what you currently know as Giffoni. This is the only way to have new energy and start all over again. After a short break, we'll be on the move again in August, not to organize a simple festival but to build Giffoni from the very beginning. We'll call it Giffoni Opportunity, which is the natural development of Experience. As a matter of fact, Giffoni is a global experience, but an experience is always followed by the pursuit of an opportunity. That's why it will be Giffoni Opportunity".


May 08, 2024

#Giffoni54: First titles in competition announced

Category: News Giffoni Experience
Ethnic discrimination, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, sports as an opportunity for redemption and growth, the hardships of being a parent, a son or a daughter, the discovery of one's sexuality and the beauty that lies in not identifying oneself in any…