film giffoni 2023


Category: Special Events

One hundred days aboard rescue vessels in the Central Mediterranean. Nine journeys between Greece and the Balkans to tell the greatest human tragedy of our times. ANTS tells the lives of people moving along the routes that take them to Europe, in pursuit of a better future – like ants, as in Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. ANTS tells these stories, giving a name and a face to their unwilling protagonists. ANTS stems from a limbo, from the tragic stories of those who play with their lives in a game that represents the only hope for a new life.

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Feature Film, Special Event
Duration 90’
Production Year 2021
Nationality Italy
Directed by Valerio Nicolosi
Editor Cristina D’Eredità
Music Pietro Santangelo
With Riccardo Gatti, Marc Reig Creus, Khaled Elgwad, Tageealdeen Rahmaa, Mohammed Jammeh Basiru, Anabel Montes Mier, Leticia Cabo Lozano, Hortensia, Richard Gere, Saidah Saidi, Notis Mitarakis, Charles Michel, Giovanna Scaccabarozzi, Mohammed Mazara, Reza Mohammed, Lorena Fornasir, Shahzaib Jutt, Mustafa
and with Bruce Springsteen (opening quote)
Produced by Davide Azzolini
Production Dazzle Communication


Foto valerioValerio Nicolosi

Valerio was born in Rome in 1984 and he still lives there. Filmmaker and photojournalist, in 2008 he graduated with highest honors from the 'Experimental Television Center' in Rome. He made a few reportages from the Syrian-Lebanon border about the refugee crisis and the humanitarian corridors. During the months of October and November 2016 he followed the US elections making a series of reportages together with the journalist Giovanna Pancheri, broadcast by SkyTg24. Most of the reportages were about the human condition in the suburbs of America. As an investigative journalist he made many reportages on the issue of immigrants and in particular in the "Jungle of Calais” for Italian and European tv networks. He also covered the terrorist attacks both in Paris and Brussels. Making the documentary DEATH BEFORE LAMPEDUSA for the German national TV, ARD, he followed the operation "Mare Nostrum" on board the Italian military vessels deployed in the recovery of boats coming from Africa. He has made numerous music videos with Italian and Palestinian singer/songwriters and has published three books of short stories and photography, Bar(n)Out, Be Filmmaker in Gaza, (R)Esistenze. He spent more than 20 days on board the “Proactiva Open Arms" boat, a Spanish NGO whose main mission is to rescue refugees from the sea that arrive in Europe fleeing wars, persecution or poverty. In those 3 weeks they rescued 86 refugees. He also works as an occasional lecturer with the 'Audio-visual Journalism Tribune' at La Sapienza University and the Palestinian Al-Aqsa and Deir El-Balah, both located in the Gaza Strip.


festival contact

Dazzle Communication