
A writer, popularizer and international keynote speaker, his works combine business and management with philosophy, art and science. Oscar Di Montigny is Chief Innovability & Value Strategy Officer at Banca Mediolanum and President of Flowe, a benefit company of the Mediolanum Group with BCorp and Carbon Neutral certification, whose goal is to encourage new generations to learn about innovation and economic, social and environmental sustainability. In his blog, Riflessioni per il Terzo Millennio (Reflections for the Third Millennium), he explores mega trends and new social and market scenarios. In 2016, Mondadori published his book Il tempo dei nuovi eroi (The time of new heroes), which soon became a best seller and a radio format for Radio Italia. The show has just concluded its fourth season and will be back for the fifth. Oscar Di Montigny can be currently found in bookstores with his essay Gratitudine. La rivoluzione necessaria (Gratitude. A necessary revolution), also published by Mondadori.