Archivio Film

  • Filters

Sicilia, anni ’60. Rebecca è innamorata di Pietro, un pescatore. Quando lui la lascia, lei si rinchiude in casa e ascolta ossessivamente alla radio i dialoghi tra pescatori a...

Category Official Competition
Section Troubled Gaze
Tipology Short Film

Colin takes his dog Cumberland for a walk in a snowstorm. Colin complains about the weather while Cumberland does his best to ignore him.

Category Out of competition
Section Myths in Short - Y Gen Lab Project
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Alexander is 13 years old, small, and gets bullied all the time. One day a new kid begins in Alexander's class.

Category Official Competition
Section Free to Fly
Tipology Short Film

In a documentary long 25 minutes we show real life as it is in a city in Carnia: its cultural events and natural beauties.

Category Out of competition
Section GFF Productions
Tipology Short Film, Documentary

A young Brazilian, Paulinho, is sitting on the roof of his brick house in the heights of a Rio favela. He watches a bird hovering in the sky dreamily. Flying is something he has...

Category Official Competition
Section Troubled Gaze
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Two siblings toil in a world of monotonous machinery, but when a special winged book arrives, a glorious green world unfolds.

Category Official Competition
Section Little Rascals
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Jean is a boy coming from Burkina Faso. He has big problems at school because he doesn’t know Italian. But thanks to a drawing, he succeeds in communicating.

Category Out of competition
Section GFF Productions
Tipology Short Film

Laura has a real passion for cinema. In the movies she finds the romance that her daily life doesn’t offer. The distance between the imagined world and the real one make her...

Category Out of competition
Section GFF Productions
Tipology Short Film

The story of Rachele Levi, a Jewish girl victim of Italian racial laws in 1938, as told by a contemporary primary school teacher.  

Category Out of competition
Section GFF Productions
Tipology Short Film

A bitter young girl decides to put an end to her suffering. After running through a number of darkly humorous options for her demise she settles on the terribly romantic ‘death...

Category Official Competition
Section Y Gen
Tipology Short Film