Archivio Film

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THE UNIFORM tells the sotry of Antonio, a teenager torn between following his passion for history and the will of his parents who instead wants for him with a certain career in...

Category Out of competition
Section Giffoni Video Factory Productions
Tipology Short Film

A scientist invents a potion that allows vampires to be able to live under the rays of the sun. When the word gets out to the vampires of the world, they fly to Cuba to gain...

Category Out of competition
Section Films for Kids
Tipology Animation, Feature Film


Category Out of competition
Section Cortocartoon
Tipology Animation, Short Film

In a long hot summer a war is rekindled between two bands: on one side the children of the well-to-do families, on the other the children of the poor, the yokels. Set in...

Category Out of competition
Section Parental Control
Tipology Feature Film

A lonely young boy named Angus discovers a large mysterious egg along the shores of Loch Ness lake. The strange, mischievous hatchling inside is the water horse, the Loch's most...

Category Out of competition
Section Reload
Tipology Feature Film

Due to a magic spell a King begins to grow old very quickly. He asks his three sons to go and search for an antidote for his sickness. The first two laugh at their younger brother...

Category Out of competition
Section Kids in Wonderland
Tipology Feature Film

When Rainer, a popular high school teacher, finds himself relegated to teaching autocracy as part of the school’s project week, he’s less than enthusiastic. So are his...

Category Out of competition
Section Reload
Tipology Feature Film

The reenactment of the trail of medieval pilgrims along the “streets of forgiveness” to arrive in the city of L'Aquila, where Pietro Angeleri received the papal crown. The...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film
Access JUL 16 - h. 6:00 PM - Sala Cinema/Teatro Lumière

A girl, two lives, one own world: Paola and her dreams. In Paola’s life everything is going wrong until she meets Andrea, on Facebook. Her new friend is going to show her a new...

Category Out of competition
Section Call to the Arts
Tipology Short Film

A girl, two lives, one own world: Paola and her dreams. In Paola’s life everything is going wrong until she meets Andrea, on Facebook. Her new friend is going to show her a new...

Category Out of competition
Section LinkItaly
Tipology Short Film

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