Archivio Film

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An old man from Oceania remember the times when men was happy.

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

Documentary on the Danube valley, it is based on a labile pretext: the story of the old Captain Pop who crossed the waters of the great river with his boat for forty years.

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

Of all the animals of creation, man is the only one who eats everything, even the most unexpected things. But at the same time it is the animal that has more prejudices about the...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

The film was made on occasion of a big event organized by the Italian Communist Youth Federation in February 1975 at the Palazzo dello Sport in Rome, where flowed fifteen thousand...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

The film was made on occasion of a big event organized by the Italian Communist Youth Federation in February 1975 at the Palazzo dello Sport in Rome, where flowed fifteen thousand...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

A small circus, the circus Sardinia of Piero Casu, commits the whole family: ten efficient people meticulously organized, with a specific job, as in any self-respecting circus....

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

The film tells the story of Italian sport with appropriate references to world sport, moving from spectacular objectives and documentation, but it is also significant for the...

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

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