Archivio Film

  • Filters

The cupboards, plates and bellies of the people of this little town are all empty, but it is supper time and there is a cookery show on TV. When there is a power cut, nobody gets...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A small boy’s over-scheduled, over supervised, boring day with Grandpa turns into a larger-than-life journey, narrowly escaping wild monkeys and battling aliens to save the...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Access JUL 24 - h. 9:00 AM - Sala Lumière
JUL 24 - h. 12:00 PM - Sala Lumière

A dog decides to help a hen and her chicks in crossing the river, but then he lets all kinds of animals walk all over him.

Category Out of competition
Section FuturoPresente: Short Films from The Netherlands
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A late alchemist exposes his estranged son to the truth surrounding his tumultuous life and the dark magic used to power a gold making machine.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +10
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Once upon a time the birdie met a hippo. They became friends and built a lovely house together.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A clever little monkey remembers to keep his wits about him when the bigger monkeys encroach on his bounty of bananas.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A little girl befriends a dragon in the woods. They begin to play music together, but this is not without danger, for the obstinate king allows only military marches.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Lake Quannapowitt doesn't have a monster. Or does it?

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A sly, handsome fox, lived a long adventurous life and grew old but also a bit forgetful.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A small penguin is afraid of water and can't swim with other penguins. But desire to have friends is much more stronger than all the fears and barriers.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film