
Gaia Gozzi, 22 years old, singer-songwriter.
She was born in Viadana (Mantova), she is Italo-Brazilian and she lives in Milan. She started getting interested in singing and music when she was a child and she is self-taught.
In 2016 she participated in the talent show “X-Factor” in the team led by Fedez, ranking 2nd. On April 3rd she won the 19th edition of the talent show ”Amici” and the TimMusic award for the most played song on TimMusic platform (“Coco Chanel”).
On March 20th, her album “Genesis” was released in digital format, distributed by Sony Music Italy. The album ranked 1st in the iTunes charts of the best-selling albums.
Her single “Chega” ranked 1st in the iTunes charts and it is in Top 20 charts of the most played singles and in Top 20 Earone.
Important personalities of the music scene, such as Simon Says, Alex Uhlmann, Antonio Filippelli, Jacopo Ettorre, Machweo, Piero Romitelli, Gerardo Pulli and Antonio Di Martino collaborated on this album.


May 08, 2024

#Giffoni54: First titles in competition announced

Category: News Giffoni Experience
Ethnic discrimination, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, sports as an opportunity for redemption and growth, the hardships of being a parent, a son or a daughter, the discovery of one's sexuality and the beauty that lies in not identifying oneself in any…