Tuesday, 24 October 2017 17:28

From Salerno to Washington: Giffoni Experience as a case study

History makes us what we are, records our experiences and shows the evolution of an idea, for these reasons, from 25 to 27 October, the genesis and growth prospects of Giffoni Experience will be the protagonists at George Washington University (GWU). The goal is to translate the Gff's nearly 50 years of life into a case study, which will become part of an international repository available to students from major Business Schools. The initiative stems from the desire to tell the "most necessary" festival from a different point of view than the one that has already been dealt with in more than 180 thesis degrees.

The three day foray in America was promoted by prof. Roberto Parente, director of the LISA Lab at the University of Salerno, together with prof. Ayman El Tarabishy, ​​managing director at GWU and international network director ICSB - International Council for Small Business. The two were intrigued by what  the director Claudio Gubitosi created and developed an international research project entirely focused on Giffoni, investigating the facts and events with academic eyes. The intention is to tell the story through an entrepreneurial logic, interpreting behaviors and actions with the key to entrepreneurial orientation.

"Giffoni is a case of Italian excellence in Social Entrepreneurship - says Prof. Parente - there are conditions for the GFF to create an eco-system of innovation capable of creating employment and economic development in the territory. With this initiative we want to involve the international community of Entrepreneurship scholars in discussing how to make the Giffoni Opportunity Vision concrete. "

The study of professors Parente and El Tarabishy has been marked by a strong commitment to analyzing Gff's activity over the years, research also conducted through structured interviews involving director Gubitosi in person and several partners of the Festival. The project, which was developed with the support of Luca Tesauro (CEO of Giffoni Innovation Hub), outlined the growth paths of the event which is now active all year long, and aims to consolidate the scientific analysis of the "Giffoni" phenomenon.

"This is the first time our case history is presented at an American university," explains Gubitosi, "I am proud and grateful for the work done by prof. Parente and prof. El Tarabishy and Luca Tesauro to make the idea and history of Giffoni, about the Festival first, and then the  Experience and, with the advent of the Multimedia Valley, finally Opportunity, to be studied not only in our country but also beyond the ocean. Being ambassadors in the US of a cultural model, the emblem of a region creative and innovative such as Campania that wants and can be an example, fills me with joy, spurring me to accept all the new challenges that will be in preparation for our 50th anniversary. I informed the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities Dario Franceschini, the Minister of MIUR Valeria Fedeli and the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca. "

The three days in Washington, organized by the GWU and the ITB, gathers some of the top experts, academics and policy makers on entrepreneurial development. The ICSB is an important network that has been active for more than 50 years, dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation. In 2016, they worked with the UN, promoting the establishment of the World Day dedicated to Micro, Small and Medium Businesses. This is a historic achievement that confirms the decisive role played by SMEs in securing the attainment of the UN's global sustainable development goals. In this context, Giffoni is an example of social innovation and entrepreneurial growth. These issues are attracting more and more attention from many organizations, not least the World Bank of which Prof. Ayman El Tarabishy has been a strategist.

"We are delighted to bring the Giffoni Case to the attention of the George Washington University and the entire community of scholars gathered in ICSB," adds prof. El Tarabishy - We believe it is an excellence in Social Entrepreneurship that can teach a lot about how to promote innovation and social cohesion, and that's why we also wanted to include it as a theme in our first Global Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship.

An ambitious work that coincides with the growth and development goals of the Giffoni Experience, which is increasingly central to innovation, as shown by the work done by GIH, which opens up new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships with international players from Washington.

"I am honored to be able to work with Director Gubitosi within the GW October - declares Luca Tesauro - the values ​​of the brand, and of the human and social relationships that the Festival has created in 50 years, involving millions of children, students, professionals, families and companies around the world, are the fundamental parameters of our training methodology, which aims to offer new entrepreneurial opportunities for young people in the creative and digital industries market. "

The first US event is scheduled for Thursday, October 26, when Tesauro will hold a speech at the "New Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Education" session on defining the interconnections between innovation and the future of education. On the following day, it will be director Claudio Gubitosi, along with prof. El Tarabishi and prof. Parente presenting, in front of an audience of academics, managers, international entrepreneurs and representatives of the Institutions, to introduce the "The Giffoni Film Festival: A Social Entrepreneur in Action- Italian Case", the results of the study analyzing how to transform a rural area into a cluster of innovative creative industries.

Director Gubitosi and Luca Tesauro will be received at the Embassy of Italy by the Head of Cultural Affairs, Dr. Giulia Prati, and by the Scientific Advisor, Ugo Della Croce.

"On our return from Washington," adds Director Gubitosi, "I will ask the Mayor of Giffoni Valle Piana, Antonio Giuliano, for a special City Council open also to the Auditors of the whole territory and to the entrepreneurs, in order to present the potentialities and prospects that have a stronger connection with the success of the area".

More info about the event can be found at www.gwoctober.com


May 08, 2024

#Giffoni54: First titles in competition announced

Category: News Giffoni Experience
Ethnic discrimination, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, sports as an opportunity for redemption and growth, the hardships of being a parent, a son or a daughter, the discovery of one's sexuality and the beauty that lies in not identifying oneself in any…