Wednesday, 17 May 2017 15:00

The 47th Giffoni Film Festival, Monday May 22 Director Claudio Gubitosi presents latest news on the 2017 Edition

The meeting will be open to the press from 10.30 am at the 'Aula Magna' of the Lyceum "T. Tasso" in Salerno.
Mr. Vincenzo De Luca the Governor of the Campania Region will be in attendance

The first much anticipated news about the 47th Giffoni Film Festival (due 14-22 July 2017) is set to be unveiled on Monday, May 22.
The meeting open for press is set to take place from 10.30 am at the 'Aula Magna' of the Lyceum "Torquato Tasso" in Salerno (piazza San Francesco, 1). The event will see the attendance of students from the Calliope section which focuses on languages of communication. The lyceum is a symbol of culture in Salerno and with Giffoni shares the idea that supporting the development of new generations is a focal point. Both the Lyceum 'T.Tasso' and Giffoni are deeply rooted within the territory and at the same time strongly advocate a vision of international formation.

After the initial introductions by the school principal Ms. Carmela Santarcangelo and by Mr. Piero Rinaldi, Giffoni Experience president, Giffoni Experience founder and director Claudio Gubitosi will unveil the latest news about the 2017 edition.
The final words will be spoken by Mr. Vincenzo De Luca, the Governor of the Campania Region.

The meeting will be streamed live on the official Festival channels:,,