Tuesday, 19 July 2016 20:28

RARA, let homofobes learn that diversity must be respected

Generator +13 jurors warmly greeted Pepa San Martìn, Julia Lübbert and Lidia Genchi, respectively director, young protagonist and Italian distributor of feature RARA, which provided them with some interesting food for thought. San Martin, already known for making films of a certain intellectual depth, presented the thwarted story of a homosexual family.

When asked “How was the film received by homophobes?”, the director heatedly replied that the film was intended just for them, because we must get used to same-sex parented families. We must respect if not agree with the idea that a child may serenely grow up, without the fear of being judged by others, in a family were two people of the same-sex really love and respect each other, and also plan a future together.


May 08, 2024

#Giffoni54: First titles in competition announced

Category: News Giffoni Experience
Ethnic discrimination, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, sports as an opportunity for redemption and growth, the hardships of being a parent, a son or a daughter, the discovery of one's sexuality and the beauty that lies in not identifying oneself in any…