Tuesday, 19 July 2016 18:45

Antonio Laudati and Corrado Lembo: “The GFF is an international miracle, the future of our country is built here”

“The Giffoni Film Festival is the building of the future and, since this last one belongs to the youth, the safeguard of legality must pass through them all, as well as through innovation and culture. That’s why Giffoni invests on our greatest resources, or rather young talents”. So said Antonio Laudati, deputy prosecutor of Direzione Nazionale Antimafia and guest at GFF Legality Day, event held in conjunction with the anniversary of The Massacre of Via D’Amelio. The deputy prosecutor was welcomed at the entrance of the Cittadella del Cinema by the mayor of Giffoni Valle Piana Antonio Giuliano together with the president of Giffoni Film Festival Piero Rinaldi and director Claudio Gubitosi.

“It’s here – Laudati added - that we can have proof of how passion is the engine of everything. It’s extraordinary”. “Giffoni is an antidepressant – confirmed director Gubitosi – it’s a mix of creativity and courage, the courage to believe in dreams”. Indeed, a dream that is actually coming true is the Multimedia Valley, whose building site was visited by Laudati: “This structure – added director Gubitosi – will allow further developments of the four pillars Giffoni is founded on, such as: deseasonalization, internationalization, employment and economic yield”.

Even the Director of Public Prosecutions of Salerno, Corrado Lembo, attended the Legality Day and defined the Giffoni Film Festival as “something amazing”. “This area – added Lembo – risked isolation, especially for young people. However, thanks to the GFF, we have a powerful centre of attraction for the youth. This a breeding ground for the future”. In tune with the words pronounced yesterday by Raffaele Cantone, Lembo added: “Not only is the Giffoni Film Festival an Italian miracle as affirmed by Cantone, but I’d also say that it’s an international miracle because here is where dreams begin. Here, culture is not only about declaiming, indeed it’s carrying out projects and dreams.

Legality, intended as the culture of responsibility and transparency, is also the key to the reading of the GFF Legality Day embraced by Giffoni Innovation Hub. The Dream Team talents met in fact Antonio Laudati and Corrado Lembo at the Antica Ramiera. “I’m incredibly happy to be here – commenced procurator Lembo – the youths are the future of our society. Legality is especially about culture and culture is the most powerful weapon to safeguard legality. Because culture means awareness, we need to count on promotion and development of culture intended as a sense of belonging to our society”.

“Every day – Laudati declared – we can discover again the concept of legality. The wrongest thing we can do is being indifferent. Today, for example, we’ve witnessed a coupe thwarted thanks to Face Time. We all have the tools to stop these phenomena. A mobile phone is enough. Today we’re also remembering Borsellino, from whom we got an extraordinary example. I feel personally involved but our society cannot count on the sacrifice and heroism of few people. We must understand that the development of legality in a country cannot be entrusted only to police forces. On the contrary, we must to be protagonist one by one”.

Last but not the least, the two protagonists of the Legality Day, Laudati and Lembo, met Generator +18 jurors in Sala Lumiére to introduce a new project, promoted by Arma dei Carabinieri and Agenzia Nazionale per I Giovani, to sensitize awareness of legality among the youth using the most appropriate communication channels for young people, such as music, cinema and theatre. The project was introduced by the general Alfonso Manzo and the lieutenant Tiziano Laganà. Afterwards, the meeting was concluded by the screening of the film “Il Ragazzo Che Sognava un Bar” produced by the project itself. On the occasion, film protagonist Danide Montalbano was awarded with the Griffon, symbol of the Giffoni Film Festival.

Finally, many questions about current affairs, criminality and corruption were asked by the young jurors. “The mafia – declared Antonio Laudati – is not represented by big bosses but instead by the illegality surrounding us. The mafia can go into business with all the mechanisms active in the reality we live. The Giffoni Film Festival is an opportunity to fight against the mafia and all the small daily illegalities”.


May 08, 2024

#Giffoni54: First titles in competition announced

Category: News Giffoni Experience
Ethnic discrimination, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, sports as an opportunity for redemption and growth, the hardships of being a parent, a son or a daughter, the discovery of one's sexuality and the beauty that lies in not identifying oneself in any…