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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2013 - 19.28 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2013

2008 Georgia. Datho, 8 years old, is an outsider because of his Russian origins. When Tamari, a South Ossetian war refugee, arrives in his class, she is told to sit next to him. Datho’s antipathy towards Tamari knows no limits once she tells the class that her dog was killed during a Russian attack.


2008 Georgia. Datho, 8 anni, è un outsider a causa delle sue origini russe. Quando Tamari, una rifugiata di guerra dell'Ossezia del Sud, arriva in classe, le viene detto di sedersi accanto a lui. Quando la bambina dice alla classe che il suo cane è stato ucciso nel corso di un attacco russo, l’antipatia di Datho per lei non conosce più limiti.




Original Title Gogona Goridan
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Short Film
Duration 13’
Production Year 2012
Nationality Georgia, Germany
Directed by Eka Papiashvili
Screenplay Eka Papiashvili, Carsten Böhnke
Director of photography Carsten Böhnke
Editor Andi Preisner
Sound Urs Hauck
Graphic Design Jürgen Funcke
Main cast Nanuka Mosseshvili (Tamari)
Ilia Sabiashvili (Datho)
Lia Beriashvili (Mother)
Tinatin Skirtladze (Teacher)
Produced by Carsten Böhnke – Greenstone Films



Director-Eka-PapiashviliEka Papiashvili
Eka was born in Georgia and studied anthropology and directing in Freiburg, Germany. After working as assistant director on various projects, she made her directorial debut with the short THE GIRL FROM GORI, screened at the Uppsala Film Festival, at the TIFF Kids International Film Festival Toronto and the Osnabrück Independent Film Festival. It also received honorable mention at the 58th Oberhausen Short Film festival.

Eka Papiashvili
Eka è nata in Georgia e ha studiato antropologia e regia a Friburgo, in Germania. Dopo aver lavorato come assistente alla regia in vari progetti, ha fatto il suo debutto alla regia con il corto THE GIRL FROM GORI, proiettato al Festival di Uppsala,al TIFF Kids International Film Festival di Toronto e all’Osnabrück Independent Film Festival. Ha inoltre ricevuto la menzione d'onore al 58 ° Oberhausen Short Film Festival.








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