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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2010 - 18.31 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2010


10-year-old Benjamin and his mother live on an isolated farm under the violent reign of his father. Mother takes the beating and tries to cover up and keep things normal. But one day Benjamin witnesses this beating and his suspicions are turned into facts. Taking Dad’s puppy as hostage, Benjamin forces Dad to apologize to Mom. Unfortunately for all of them, Dad is not the apologizing kind. Things escalate to a point where Mom has to step up and do what she should have done a long time ago.



Benjamin, 10 anni, vive con sua madre in una fattoria isolata, sotto il violento dominio del padre. La madre viene picchiata dal marito, ma sopporta, nasconde la cosa e cerca di mantenere una vita normale. Ma un giorno Benjamin è testimone della violenza, e i suoi sospetti diventano realtà. Benjamin prende in ostaggio il cane del padre per indurlo a chiedere scusa alla madre, ma il padre non è tipo da scusarsi. La situazione degenera, finché la madre trova finalmente il coraggio di reagire.


Original Title BEAST
Category Official Competition
Section Troubled Gaze
Tipology Short Film
Duration 15'
Production Year 2009
Nationality Denmark
Directed by Lars p Arendt
Screenplay Lars p Arendt
Script Lars p Arendt, Troels Faber
Director of photography Erik Zappon
Editor Lars p Arendt
Production Design Kristine Barker
Costume Design Kristine Barker
Sound Steen Bondrop, Paw Andersen
Main cast Frederik Tingsø (Benjamin)
Anne Louise Hassing (la madre/mother)
Lars Bom (il padre/father)
Produced by Troels Faber

beast regLars p Arendt
Lars p Arendt is a 34 year old Toronto based director who grew up in Denmark and moved to Canada in 2007. He made a number of short films, such as A MIND’S I (2003) and LIKE ME (2007). He joined a group of young filmmakers in the small town of Aarhus (Denmark) who organized themselves under the name Super8. BEAST stars the actress Anne-Louise Hassing who starred in Lars von Trier’s THE IDIOTS (1998).


Lars p Arendt
Lars p Arendt ha 34 anni. Cresciuto in Danimarca, si è trasferito in Canada nel 2007 e oggi vive a Toronto. Ha diretto diversi cortometraggi, tra cui A MIND’S I (2003) e LIKE ME (2007). Ha creato un gruppo di giovani registi chiamato Super8 e situato nella cittadina di Aaarhus, in Danimarca. Nel corto BEAST recita Anne-Louise Hassing, comparsa in IDIOTI (1998), di Lars von Trier.


Jaegergaardsgade 152, 8000 Aarhus C. - Denmark


Worlds sales

Festival contact
Danish Film Institute