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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2009 - 12.25 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2009


The lonely but happy rabbit Booo meets three daring rabbit friends. The three daring rabbits make foolish daring things. And Booo does it in his own prudent way. The three rabbits laugh at him. But when they get in trouble with a dog Booo solves it.



Il solitario ma felice coniglio Booo incontra tre conigli amici. I tre audaci fanno cose stupide e pericolose, mentre Booo è per natura molto prudente. Per questo i tre iniziano a ridere di lui. Ma quando avranno dei problemi con un cane, sarà proprio Booo ad aiutarli.


Original Title BOOO
Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film
Duration 7'
Production Year 2009
Nationality Sweden
Directed by Alicja Jaworski
Screenplay Alicja Jaworski
Script Alicja Jaworski
Animation Alicja Jaworski
Music Magnus Dahlberg, Christer Björk
Original Voices Nils Gott (Booo)
Joel Sand (coniglio/rabbit)
Robin Björk (coniglio/rabbit)
Produced by Clas Cederholm

booo regAlicja Jaworski
Born in 1955 in Warsaw, Poland. Studied architecture in Warsaw 1975-1979. Studied and worked at an animation studio in Warsaw 1981-1982. Moved to Sweden in 1983. Started working at PennFilm Studio in 1985. Worked as an animator on the feature film Resan till Melonia. Since then she has worked as an animator and background animator on several projects. Directed three shorts in PennFilm Studio's ABC-series.


Alicja Jaworski
Nasce nel 1955 a Varsavia, dove studia architettura dal 1975 al 1979. Prima di trasferirsi in Svezia nel 1983, studia e lavora presso uno studio d’animazione. Nel 1985 inizia a lavorare al PennFilm Studio. Animatrice per il lungometraggio RESAN TILL MELONIA, lavora in questo ruolo per diversi progetti e dirige tre cortometraggi al PennFilm Studio.


PennFilm Studio
Bruksvägen 9B, 235 92 Vellinge - Sweden


World sales
Festival contact
The Swedish Film Institute
Box 271 26, S-102 52 Stockholm - Sweden
phone +46 86651100
fax +46 86611820
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