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GIFFONI EXPERIENCE 2009 - 12.25 July

Sections & Films


Category: Edition 2009


Ali, a 8-year-old boy, lives in a refugee detention centre with his mother and little sister Fatima. When his mother's precious knitting needles are confiscated, Ali is forced to take action. Desperate to save his family, he hatches a plan using a ball and the help of a girl on the other side of the razor-wire fence.



Ali, un bambino di 8 anni, vive in un campo di detenzione per rifugiati con la madre e la sorellina Fatima. Quando i preziosi ferri per la maglia della madre vengono confiscati, Ali è costretto ad agire. Per poter salvare la sua famiglia, Ali escogita un piano usando una palla e l’aiuto di una bambina che si trova oltre la recinzione di filo spinato.


Original Title ALI & THE BALL
Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Short Film
Duration 15'
Production Year 2008
Nationality Australia
Directed by Alex Holmes
Screenplay Alex Holmes
Script Alex Holmes
Director of photography Geoffrey Simpson, Martin McGrath
Editor Simon Njoo
Production Design Stephen Geary
Costume Design Emily Seresin
Sound Bronwyn Murphy
Music Nick Wales
Main cast interpreti/leading players
Camilla Ah Kin (madre/mother)
Ali Soummaka (Ali)
Luci Hughes (ragazza della recinzione/girl through fence)
Rayan El-Saghir (Fatima)
Produced by Helen Panckhurst

ali  the ball regAlex Holmes
Writer/director Alex Holmes graduated from the Australian Film Television and Radio School in 2003, majoring in production design. He has since combined a career as production designer with developing his writing and directing. Alex’s previous short film, Out On The Tiles was nominated for an If Award in 2005, won Best Achievement in Screenplay at the St Kilda Film Festival 2004, and won Best Short Film at the Idream Awards, Dubai 2004. It was also selected for screening in Flickerfest 2005, Adelaide Shorts Film Festival 2005, Temecula Valley Film Festival (California) 2004 and Mill Valley Film Festival (California) 2004.


Alex Holmes
Scrittore e regista, Alex Holmes si è diplomato in scenografia presso la Scuola Australiana di Cinema, Televisione e Radio nel 2003. Ha lavorato come scenografo e allo stesso tempo ha migliorato le sue capacità come autore e regista. Il suo cortometraggio OUT ON THE TILES è stato nominato agli If Award nel 2005, ha vinto il premio per la sceneggiatura al St Kilda Festival del 2004 e quello per il miglior corto agli Idream Award di Dubai nel 2004. È stato inoltre selezionato per il Flickerfest 2005, Adelaide Shorts Film Festival 2005, Temecula Valley Film Festival (California) 2004 e Mill Valley Film Festival (California) 2004.


Festival contact
Panckhurst Productions Pty. Ltd.
30/123 Macleay Str. Potts Point, Sydney n.s.w. 2011 - Australia
phone + 61 293681159
fax + 61 293562010
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