November 11dear diary, we are Giuliana and Claire. How are you? We are well and are in the bus to Roma where we will get on a flight to Dubai and from there to Teheran. We are very happy and excited to go on thi journey. At the beginning we were a little on the fence but Giusi and Natascia assured us that it would be a wonderful experience and so decided to do it!
  Maria Grazia, Adriano and Antonio's journal. The GFF jurors and their experience in New Delhi. Hi, we are three GFF jurors travelling back from New Delhi, where we took part in the Chinh India Kids Film Festival.
  Here we are ,At the end of this magical adventure, which allowed us to discover a culture so different from ours and get to know fantastic people. During this week we had the opportunity to meet other families who hosted us.
A few young adventurers set off for an exciting journey: They don't know exactly what lies ahead but one thing they do know for sure is that they will no longer be on land and that their mission is to join some other daredevils: the Giffoni Film Festival kids! And so…one-two-three….everyone on the “wonderful” MSC Crociere!
10:00 O'Clock the participants of the Giffoni Doha Mara, Marvi and Rocco chaperoned by GFF's own Natascia are spotted at Naples airport.Once through the check-in, the fantastic 4 go to the gate and embark on their first plane: Napoli-Munich.
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