It was a cloudy day in November, fifteen guys were about to set off to Tirana.After taking off from Bari, we found ourselves in the Albanian capital where one of the guides, Aurora, was waiting for us, then we got to the Sheraton, which was our home for five days.
Doha Tribeca Film Festival was about to commence and the three bold guys didn’t even imagine what lay ahead for them. A sightseeing tour of the city together with the two Spanish guys (Maxande Pol) a Swiss girl (Flavia), former 2010 Giffoni Experience jurors. The noise and the confusion made them feel like in "Lost in translation".
"Quest’anno il Giffoni Film Festival mi ha offerto l’opportunità di partecipare ad un viaggio all’estero. Ricevuta la convocazione e valutate le mete indicate a cui avrei dovuto dare una preferenza, scelgo in un primo momento (essendo un po’ preoccupato all’idea di viaggiare da solo) Malta, dove speravo di poter stare insieme ai miei amici data la maggiore disponibilità di posti.
Ore 14.30 Check in effettuato. Destinazione 1: Malta! Aereoporto – porto Destinazione 2: Xlendi, appartamenti: a bordo del pullman rosso fiammante del nostro autista-cicerone Michael!! Chiavi nella serratura: VACANZA COMINCIATA!! Vacanza? Sicuri sicuri??
"Going to the SYIFF (Seoul Young International Film Festival) was one of the most incredible experiences of my whole life. So after a 15 hour flight with three other Italian kids in the company of our funny and nice chaperon Francesca, I landed in Seoul. Why? To take part in the Seoul Film Festival, a project which is getting bigger and bigger year after year which involves kids from all over the world.
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