News & Stories

For the return to happiness for thousands of children, a selection that gives space to stories of courage, inner strenght,…

Giffoni 2021: A shout of happiness

Thursday, 15 April 2021 12:20
From 21 to 31 July the fiftyfirst edition with the activities for the fftieth. 150 films, 9 premiers, 150 talent…
In 2020 Giffoni “went out of their way” for their community, re-adapting a consolidated format and building a new cultural…
The initiative stems from a study: 1300 national events. An important heritage for the new cultural political strategies.The first appointment…
2020 was an extraordinary year. It has shown how obstinacy and work can give life to small revolutions in unprecedented…
Love for cinema comes from a very young age. In the darkness of a screening room it is easy to…
The fourth leg is ready to unfold during the Christmas holidays with a digital festival from 26 to 30 December…
The war to climate change at the center of the first appointment. After the screening of the documentary NOW, the…
On 20 December, after the screening in the digital cinema of #Giffoni50 Winter Edition, a live online Q&A to talk…


The eventi s scheudled on 12 December. The film will be followed by a Q&A in live streaming with activists Zion Lights…


The story of a boy who will be asked to overcome his fears in competition in the Elements +10 section
The fourth leg of the festival will start from Saturday 12th with masterclasses and special online events; films in competition…
The Memorandum was signed today. Director Gubitosi: a protocol that is perfectly in line with our values. We need to think…
Seven jurors, together with programmer Antonia Grimaldi, will be participating in the 2020 edition of the International Kids Film Festival…