Friday, 28 August 2020 20:23

#Giffoni50, the day of Ministro Costa: “Here there is a school to remain young forever”

A comeback to Giffoni in the fiftieth year of the Festival, a year that closes the trilogy of topics dedicated to the elements. This year’s topic is the Earth, which Costa, as Minister of the Environment, wants to preserve and protect. This was the day of Sergio Costa, who arrived at Cittadella del Cinema in Giffoni and was welcomed by the director Claudio Gubitosi, the Mayor of Giffoni Valle Piana, Antonio Giuliano, and by the president of Ente Autonomo Giffoni Experience, Pietro Rinaldi. The Minister was joined by the Prefect of Salerno, Francesco Russo.

It is an honour and a pleasure to be here - Minister Costa declared when meeting the young audience of Giffoni Impact at Sala Blu, Multimedia Valley - In Giffoni there is the school to remain young forever. And this is a great reason for pride for Italy. I really like coming here because the central topics in the last three years have always been near to my ministry. Giffoni is a place where you can debate with young people and exchange ideas. The best ideas,  the simplest ones can emerge, since young people produce the so-called destructured ideas, meaning simple, those that can be winning ones in Parliament. I come here to listen, to take and to report to the Parliament and Government”.

Giffoni speaks to kids and it is done for kids and by kids. Besides, the fights for the environment are carried out by kids today, the time we are living is their time. This is what the Minister Consta thinks, believing that a new centrality among young people is surely the one of the movement “Fridays for future”: “Greta Thunberg’s movement is one that has awakened consciousness - Costa said - I have always supported it. I also hosted one of their events at palazzo Chigi. However, I would like to make it clear that our aim is not of relying on this movement, but of exchanging ideas. We want young people to enter the Palazzo, this way they will enter the palace of Italian Republic and the world”.

Italian kids are getting ready to go back to school. It is not easing during a pandemic: “We are all supporting the Minister Azzolina - Costa added - and everyone contributes with their own competence in different subjects. We are the first country in the world that has made environmental education a compulsory subject in schools of any level, starting from primary school to university from this September. It is an investment because kids will be the ruling class of tomorrow and they must not make the same mistakes of our generation”. At the end of the meeting there is the gift exchange. Minister Costa receives the Riggiola Artistica 2020. Claudio Gubitosi, director of Giffoni, receives the Minister of Environment’s tie, that symbolically invested him with the role of Sentinella dell’Ambiente, Cavaliere al merito della sostenibilità.