Giffoni Identity

Mission, Vision and Identity of a beautiful Italian Story


If it is true that young people must be loved improve, Giffoni immediately showed its first fundamental mission: to acknowledge children’s and teenagers’ own identity.

Almost 48 years have passed since the foundation of the Giffoni Film Festival in 1970, in which Giffoni hasn’t moved its gaze, still focused on kids and their uniqueness.

That's why Giffoni is a permanent observatory of the youth’s world.

Giffoni dared to challenge the impossible by moving the boundaries of the suburbs, of the Italian sub-province, even managing to bring here high-level films and international stars.

Our films, landmarks of the world cinema for children and their families, are selected by going through the entire corpus of teen films worldwide with a fine-tooth-comb. The speak of truth and are often hard to watch, the a reflection of a selection that makes young people deeply question themselves and others.

Giffoni's cinema is a mark of quality, a seal of distinction.

Everyone confides in Giffoni: children, families, institutions; and Trust is an important key-word to pass through the front door of the Idea of Giffoni.

Why is it that, even in times of general disinterest towards cinema, children have never lost the hunger for Giffoni? Because they want a real, tactile and sensorial experience. Even more today, where virtual and social communication, paradoxically going against the purpose for which it was created, is becoming increasingly antisocial.

Thusly, Giffoni becomes a place of rehabilitation for network addiction and the alluring facade of simulated sociality.

Even the music proposed at Giffoni is never passive, it is not just a concert but rather a concept of shared passion.

Giffoni, moreover, present itself to the world as a beautiful Italian story that expresses the success of the Campania Region, reflection of the Creative Europe of today and tomorrow.

Who experiences Giffoni assumes a precise lifestyle, that is why children feel a strong sense of belonging to something important and express it by saying "I am Giffoni".

The innovation department, Giffoni Innovation Hub, has been entrusted with the future of our entire company, which will pass through the unstoppable impulse of the newly developed start-ups up to the Artificial Intelligence approach.

All of this will be accomplished by taking advantage of the wide spaces of Giffoni Multimedia Valley, natural expansion of the Giffoni’s Idea, and without ever neglecting the content, because under every digital and metallic coating beats a warm and very human heart, ours.