A group of five children is trapped inside their school bus after the invasion on the road of a mysterious creature. It is night. They are alone in the middle of a desert road. Time runs and every passing minute decreases their survival chances against the constant threats of that unknown entity.
Original Title |
Italian Title |
Category |
Out of competition |
Section |
Premiere |
Tipology |
Feature Film |
Duration |
76' |
Production Year |
2020 |
Nationality |
Germany, Italy |
Directed by |
Alessio Liguori |
Screenplay |
Daniele Cosci |
Director of photography |
Luca Santagostino |
Editor |
Jacopo Reale |
Production Design |
Miriam Judith Reichel |
Music |
Benjamin Kwasi Burrell |
Main cast |
Jack Kane
Zak Sutcliffe
David Keyes
Sophie Olivier
Molly Dew
Zanda Emlano
Terence Anderson
Mino Caprio
Theo Achille Caprio |
Produced by |
Simona Ferri, Roberto Cipullo, Gabria Cipullo, Konstantin Korenchuck, Simon Pilarsky |
ALESSIO LIGUORI Alessio Liguori, born in 1981, was graduated in film directing at the Roma 3 University of Rome. He started directing videoclips and commercials for some important Italian brands. In 2014 he became a founding members of Mad Rocket Entertainment, a film production company based in Italy and focused in genre cinema. In June 2018 he debuted directing his first feature film IN THE TRAP, then in January 2019 he directed his second feature, SHORTCUT. Both the films are waiting for the official domestic distribution in late 2020.
production Play Entertainment (Italy) ------ Camaleo (Italy) ------ Sternenberg Films (Germany)
international distribution Italian distribution festival contact Minerva Pictures Group (Italy)
Opera realizzata con il sostegno della REGIONE LAZIO Avviso pubblico Attrazione produzioni cinematografiche (POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020) PROGETTO COFINANZIATO DALL’UNIONE EUROPEA