Archivio Film

  • Filters

Alessandra is a girl from a village in Basilicata, Lavello. She dreams of going to Rome and become a journalist. She tells her dream to everyone, and writes it on her school...

Category Out of competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

AN ITALIAN IN HOLLYWOOD is a documentary made by Rai journalist Tonino Pinto and dedicated to one of the greatest Italian film producers, Agostino De Laurentiis, called Dino, who...

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film, Special Event

AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY is the first group photo of our universities. A journey from the North to the South of Italy, where people fight everyday against the lack...

Category Out of competition
Section Masterclass Short Films
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

The documentary, set in the Federico Fellini media school in the San Basilio district in Rome, tells about the training courses for a group of teenagers and what it means to be...

Category Official Competition
Section GEx Doc
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

“I have cherished the idea to pay a tribute to the biggest names of Italian cinema and theatre for a long time. I longed to see that Italy in black and white again, being...

Category Out of competition
Section Special Screenings
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film


Category Out of competition
Section Out of Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

Un documentario-inchiesta sul business della bellezza. La giornalista e scrittrice Cristina Silvieri Tagliabue segue la vicenda di Carla, diciottenne pugliese che vuole diventare...

Category Out of competition
Section Special Events
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

An old man from Oceania remember the times when men was happy.

Category Official Competition
Section Official Competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film

During his long career, Carlo Rambaldi has often been called "the special effects wizard", a Renaissance artist, a modern Leonardo da Vinci capable of giving a soul to famous...

Category Out of competition
Tipology Documentary, Feature Film