Violante, a young woman who works in a playground, experiences an emotional and mental crisis. The short portrays the multiple conflicting emotions a woman experiences after an...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Parental Experience |
Tipology | Short Film |
Battery Mommy works at various stuffs such as soap bubble guns, cameras, and thermometers in the nursery. During the children's nap time of one winter day, Battery Mommy finds out...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +3 |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Tablet, dinosaur backpack - packed! A teeny city girl goes to her grandmother, in the countryside. As soon as she arrives, she discovers that there is no line. How will she have...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +3 |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Vittoria is an exuberant thirteen-year-old girl who lives in the province of Naples and who dreams of becoming an influencer. Her father, Fabrizio, on her birthday gives her a...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Parental Experience |
Tipology | Short Film |
Alfred had to flee his country because of the war. Without housing, he wanders, from rejection to rejection. One day he meets Sonia, who offers him a coffee.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +6 |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Harvey takes place during the first few days of spring, that time of year when kids are eager to see the snow melt and to cast off their winter coats, which suddenly seem way too...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Antonio Palermo is 43 years old today, he is Councilor for Sport and Youth Policies in the Municipality of Cavallino in the province of Lecce (Puglia) but plays football as soon...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Special Events |
Tipology | Short Film, Special Event |
The day when her long-gone father suddenly reappears, Hui and her sister spent the happiest hours with him. However, when Father announces that all of them are setting off on an...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Parental Experience |
Tipology | Short Film |
An unexpected encounter will grow into a meaningful friendship.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +3 |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Ciro is the school bully and a shattering event will happen in his life: he will always relive the same day like a hell loop. To get out of it he will be forced to review his...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |