Oscar, an eight-year-old boy, is a big fan of the series "Detective Bruno". The boy lives in an orphanage and on his birthday he finds an envelope with a clue leading to the last...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +6 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
Access |
Jacob lives in the city and dreams of becoming an architect like his busy dad. He spends a lot of time drawing buildings and daydreaming while his father is at work. One day dad...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +6 |
Tipology | Animation, Feature Film |
Julka for the first time in her life feels happy. She has Olek - her one true friend and Aunt who is taking care of her while her parents are working abroad. When Aunt is falsely...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +6 |
Tipology | Feature Film |