Archivio Film

  • Filters

Benjamin dufa is movie about four friends. They love knights and dream to be knights when they grow up. The friends get in trouble with bullies and one of them (Baldur) gets in...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Set in Wales during WW2, a German airman crash-lands in a wood and is found by 12-year-old Elenya. Elenya decides to keep him a secret and does so for as long as she can until...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

A Jewish boy, separated from his family in the early days of WWII, poses as a German orphan and is thereafter taken into the heart of the Nazi world as a 'war hero' and eventually...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

The four young snoopers Tim, Karl, Kloesschen and Gaby by chance discover a hidden cave near an old castle. In it there's a board that seems to describe the way to a legendary...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

The 12 year old girl Gudrun experiences the end of childhood in a little town near Nuremberg. Her father is fighting far away on the Russian front, her mother packs Gudrun off to...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

To gain lands from the prince of Saxony, a group of orphans seeks Mozart, in order to obtain the very rare score of one of his compositions.

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Paul, 10, is ill with leukemia and runs away from home to leave with his father. The man, a truck driver separated from his wife, is about to leave for Spain. He ignores his son's...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Hollie, a thirteen year old girl, has two older sisters who have very bad taste in clothes and she is forced to wear their old cast-offs. Her companions continually laugh at her...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Short Film

Roland Emmerich (Stargate, Independence Day, and Godzilla) brings you John Rhys-Davies in a Monty Pythonesque tale of a band of Crusaders who find themselves in possession of an...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Alex (the main character) is an 11-year-old Jewish boy living in a Ghetto in German-occupied Poland during World War II with his father and their friend, Boruch. German soldiers...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film