Archivio Film

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Premio Giffoni Experience Gotham City's Lord Mayor's children have been kidnapped. Who can save them now that all the superheroes are retired?  

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

Premio Audience Award Communicating? Listening? Here are a few tips on how to face common and less common issues. The world of adults Vs kids. How to listen and react...How? With...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

A boy finds a photography in the street. It’s the picture of a girl who has two fingers raised in victory. The boy takes the picture. From that moment on a never-ending...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film
JUL 16 - h. 11:45 AM - Sala Truffaut

In the near future, a powerful medicine against freedom of thought circulates in Italian school by means of Hon. Gambini who works for the Ministry of Coercion. The therapy seems...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

Eng. A. Wiesner, cofounder of Algida ice cream company, spent a period of imprisonment in the internment camp of Ferramonti Tarsia. This short tells his story. Story, screenplay...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

According to the local elders, it is better to stay away from that old castle. The evil guardian does not want anyone on the inside, especially the children...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

Premio Audience Award Alessio, a man in his thirties, has to see his son without being noticed due to his gambling issues. Every morning he goes to his son's school trying to...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

In Pecorara, as in every village, LITTLE RASCALS live and get into trouble. On the track of the homonymous TV series of the Thirties, the adventure begins with a mess: a broken...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

Paolo is different, far from his classmates, who make fun of him for his oddity. He’s reading Dante. He loves Francesca, who looks at him from a distance, with indifference....

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

Un’insegnante, per spronare un bambino apparentemente disinteressato alla scuola, gli assegna una ricerca sullo sfruttamento del lavoro minorile. La ricerca provoca nel bambino...

Category Out of competition
Section myGiffoni
Tipology Short Film

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