Eleven year-old Daniel (Danny to his friends), is a latchkey child who often struggles with a feeling of abandonment. His mother died two years earlier, and his father, Marc, is a...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | First Screens |
Tipology | Feature Film |
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The year is 3000. Geppetto, with the help of his loyal assistant Spencer, the cyber penguin, creates himself a son: Pinocchio, a one-of-a kind super-robot equipped for imagination...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Kidz |
Tipology | Animation, Feature Film |
Access |
What do two kids do after their TV explodes ? They go on to live a quite extraordinary day, and then they turn into kids again. They burst into laughter for no reason and become...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | First Screens |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Access |
Ten year-old Pete Carlton is terminally ill with brain cancer and confined to a wheelchair. Funny and intelligent, Pete is incredibly courageous. He seeks refuge by observing the...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Free to Fly |
Tipology | Feature Film |
Access |