44 Cats is an animated series produced by Rainbow in collaboration with Antoniano Bologna and Rai Ragazzi. The show stars the adventures of Lampo, Milady, Pilou and Meatball, four...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Special Events |
Tipology | Animation, TV Series, Special Event |
Born from an idea by Iginio Straffi, the animated series, realized in collaboration with Antoniano Bologna and Rai Ragazzi, is about the lives of four very nice cats: Lampo,...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Special Events |
Tipology | Animation, TV Series, Special Event |
For the first time the unforgettable novel by Jack London arrives on the big screen in a amazing animated picture. White Fang is a wolf that has a quarter of dog’s blood. He’s...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Special Events |
Tipology | Animation, Feature Film, Special Event |