Sieger, a sporty fifteen-year-old boy, lives with his older brother Eddie and their father Theo. During the summer holidays, Sieger is training in his athletics team for the...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
Akkie, 12 anni, è una grande amante del calcio, e sembra vivere solo per il torneo scolastico. Piena di tenacia e di passione, respinge con forza le prese in giro di un compagno...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
Rosa is a sensitive thirteen-year-old girl with a vivid imagination. She has a talent for drawing, likes to chat a lot with her friends on MSN and has a good sense of humour....
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
After living with their aunt for two years, fifteen-year-old Joey and his younger brother move back in with their mother to their delight. At first everything goes well: the house...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Eleven-year-old Lu is living in a foster home when her long-lost mother Karina shows up unexpectedly and takes her on a wild road trip in a beat-up sports car - all the way to her...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
Milo, un introverso ragazzino di dieci anni dalla “pelle sensibile”, vive sotto il rigido controllo paterno. Spinto dalla sua prima vera amicizia, scappa di casa per...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
Jochem’s classmates bully him all the time. His friend David doesn’t join in, but he is scared to say anything. On the face of it Jochem doesn’t seem to let the harassment...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
A North Sea fisherman dies at sea under mysterious circumstances. People whisper that the captain is to blame. His teenage daughter Lena however suspects the ship did not go down...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |
STUPID YOUNG HEART is about the first love between the skinny and carefree Lenni and the gorgeous and popular Kiira. Not yet in a relationship, nor out of high school, they...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Generator +13 |
Tipology | Feature Film |