A motorcyclist is zooming along on a country road. Birdy, a small bird, follows him. The biker attempts to shake Birdy off, but without success. In the end, the reason for...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
A little boy takes a stroll in the meadows. He makes many interesting discoveries, then he comes back home to eat with his granny.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
A cheerful little girl is jumping higher and higher until she finally reaches a cloud. The girl and the cloud become friends quickly and when the girl goes back to earth the cloud...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Access |
The old forest-guard lives in his house in the middle of a forest in full harmony with all the animals living in the area. Suddenly a group of hunters arrives to hunt his friend...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Access |
Early morning. Mom and Dad are tired, but Louis and his best friend, The Blanket, are wide awake. They decide to go on an adventure.
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Access |
A five-year-old Scottish boy discusses the best way for a group of small dinosaurs to stop a big dinosaur from picking on them.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Mrs. Harrier reads the newspaper while having a hearty breakfast. Meanwhile a plump squirrel has entered by the window and sniffs croissants greedily.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
All dogs chase their tails. A dog once succeeds in catching his own tail. That changes his life as he finds it to be his best friend.
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Access |
A man waits for the Big Fish from twilight till dawn.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Two siblings toil in a world of monotonous machinery, but when a special winged book arrives, a glorious green world unfolds.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Little Rascals |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |