Maria, an orphan, lives in the streets and one night she is run over by a car. In hospital a nun shows her the photographs of a family who, in a far-away country, are waiting for...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Planet Childhood: Rights From The Heart |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Enchanted by the music of things, a girl imagines that she is directing an orchestra. In vain her father tries to recall her to her duties as a little woman: the deepest passion...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Cartoons |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Enchanted by the music of things, a girl imagines that she is directing an orchestra. In vain her father tries to recall her to her duties as a little woman: the deepest passion...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Planet Childhood: Rights From The Heart |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Caesar has had enough when another legion is hacked to pieces by the damned single indomitable village in Gaul because of the druid's magic potion, so he decides to tackle the...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Cartoons |
Tipology | Animation, Feature Film |
Eleven-year old Preston’s bicycle gets flattened by a flashy new Jaguar driven by the shady Quigley, a launderer of dirty money. To hush up the matter and avoid problems with...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Premiere |
Tipology | Feature Film |
In a schoolyard the smaller children suffer from the bullying of the older ones. They realise they must all try to find a solution to the problem together.
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Planet Childhood: Rights From The Heart |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Hollywood, anni ’50. Ed Wood è un ragazzo con scarso talento, pochi soldi, un grande amore per il cinema, e il sogno di diventare regista. Conosce Bela Lugosi, icona in declino...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Maratona Tim Burton |
Tipology | Feature Film |
In a country at war a thirteen year old boy is enlisted. He is proud of his rifle, but when his father is killed in the trenches he realises that war is not a game.
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Cartoons |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
In a country at war a thirteen year old boy is enlisted. He is proud of his rifle, but when his father is killed in the trenches he realises that war is not a game.
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Planet Childhood: Rights From The Heart |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Giffoni Experience with the support of Warner Bros. Entertainment Italia, presents Fright Nights. A selection of 7 classic horror films that will keep you on the edge of your...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Fright Nights |
Tipology | Feature Film, Special Event |