44 Cats is an animated series produced by Rainbow in collaboration with Antoniano Bologna and Rai Ragazzi. The show stars the adventures of Lampo, Milady, Pilou and Meatball, four...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Special Events |
Tipology | Animation, TV Series, Special Event |
Born from an idea by Iginio Straffi, the animated series, realized in collaboration with Antoniano Bologna and Rai Ragazzi, is about the lives of four very nice cats: Lampo,...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Special Events |
Tipology | Animation, TV Series, Special Event |
In a black and white world, Henry creates colors that traps in small glass spheres to give them to his sick wife. When the woman dies, Henry, desperate, goes on working on colors,...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Special Events |
Tipology | Short Film, Special Event |
Irma is only 18, but she is already a boxing champion. Her success is a remarkable achievement for a girl who grew up in one of the most violent towns in the Naples province....
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Parental Experience |
Tipology | Feature Film |
Federico is an aspiring musician who is in conflict with his father Pasquale, who wants to educate him in his own way. Federico's passion for music and Pasquale's ignorance will...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Parental Experience |
Tipology | Short Film |
A country boy feels the need to move to the city, attracted by intellectual world and in conflict with the rural one where he was brought up. Something drives him away, as he...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Masterclass Classic |
Tipology | Feature Film |
A country boy feels the need to move to the city, attracted by intellectual world and in conflict with the rural one where he was brought up. Something drives him away, as he...
Category | Out of competition |
Section | Parental Experience |
Tipology | Feature Film |
A boy victim of bullying and a foreigner with difficulty to integrate, join forces to free themselves from their situation and overcome this impasse.
Category | Official Competition |
Section | myGiffoni |
Tipology | Short Film |
Anna and Gaia are two teenage girls, bound by a deep friendship. For some time, something has been upsetting Anna. One evening, by chance, Gaia notes Anna being scared. She...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | myGiffoni |
Tipology | Short Film |
A house in an Italian city suburb is crowded by people coming from different ethnic groups: an Italian wife and husband, a Nigerian couple with a new-born, a Peruvian family and...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +6 |
Tipology | Animation, Short Film |
Schedule | JUL 28 - h. 10:00 - Sala Lumière |