Archivio Film

  • Filters

8 year old Martin is looking forward to participating in the lantern procession organised by the school that evening. Unfortunately, when he tries to light the candle, his lantern...

Category Official Competition
Section Kidz
Tipology Short Film

Seventeen-year-old Nathalie is convinced that after just one quick glance she can tell who you really are. While waiting on the platform for the last subway, the self confident...

Category Official Competition
Section Y Gen
Tipology Short Film

Phil is a common man. His mother was a smoker and now his greatest passion is smoking. One night, he lives an unreal experience, a close encounter that will change his life...

Category Official Competition
Section First Screens
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A lonely boy wanders around his housing estate carrying a stick, which he imagines has magic powers. He doesn’t want to go home because his parents are always arguing. Before...

Category Official Competition
Section Kidz
Tipology Short Film

It’s Martin 14th birthday. His parents willy-nilly abandon him the house under Olivier’s kindliness, his 22 years old brother… The party begins, which is going to...

Category Official Competition
Section Free to Fly
Tipology Short Film

Set in 1976 Apartheid South Africa, a 10 year old girl attends the funeral of her black Nanny, killed during a peaceful protest march.

Category Official Competition
Section Free to Fly
Tipology Short Film

Two girls –one Israeli and one Palestinian share a special friendship despite their cultural differences and the war raging around them.

Category Official Competition
Section Y Gen
Tipology Short Film

Dembe and Magezi – two African brothers struggling to make it in cold Sweden.

Category Official Competition
Section Y Gen
Tipology Short Film

Nicola is a 6 year old boy who lives with his family in an old apartment divided in two by a long corridor. His parents' relationship is slowly deteriorating as money is running...

Category Official Competition
Section Free to Fly
Tipology Short Film

Ivar, an eight-year-old boy and his grandfather don’t get along. Ivar is a vegetarian and grandpa thinks real men should eat meat. Ivar should at least be able to eat an egg, so...

Category Official Competition
Section Kidz
Tipology Short Film