Produced by Barrie Howells, the film, speechless, eloquently treats the joys and difficulties of being a child. It shows the everyday life of some children from all over the...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Official Competition |
Tipology | Short Film, Documentary |
"Fatma of the Forest" documentary, screened in 1979, International Year of Children, reflects life, longings and a major "fear" in her subconscious of an 12-years old "woodcutter"...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Official Competition |
Tipology | Short Film, Documentary |
Young people between 17 and 18 years of high school are those that everyone knows and still few understand them. Starting from the nursery children, the two filmmakers have become...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Official Competition |
Tipology | Short Film, Documentary |
From the Pila of Volta to today, electricity tells a story that is not just technical. Our way of living and being is also linked to electricity for whose production we are...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Official Competition |
Tipology | Short Film, Documentary |
A young heiress who is passionate about motoring participates as an assistant to the Rally of the Thousand Lakes with the intention of making a film about racing. For inexperience...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Official Competition |
Tipology | Short Film, Documentary |