Alex is an African-American kid from the Bronx who dreams of playing basketball as his idols. However, the gang of older guys in the neighbourhood keep reminding him that he...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |
Wesley, a young boy living in a small prairie town during the early 80’s, becomes friend with the only black boy in his class. He soon discovers the racial prejudice that exists...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |
It is the early 1980’s. Ten-year-old Rasmus is tired of his parents never listening to him and decides to run away from home. But before leaving he records a cassette tape with...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |
Glenn has fallen in love with his colleague, Karen. After a long period of dating, time has come for Glenn to meet Karen's seven-year-old son, Nils. What Glenn does not know is...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |
During the Second World War, a young peasant is travelling on a street on the hills. Suddenly he finds himself in a dangerous situation. On one side of the road there are two...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |
Théo is 6 years old and he’s suffering from cancer. He discovers in a children’s book that the moon has healing powers. With the help of his older brother, Arthur, 10 years...
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |
The sun is shining on a day jus like the others in a little city in Lucania’s region. Clara, a girl of nine, comes back to school after a long absence…
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |
A fathers weekend with his 9-year old daughter Anni, is filled with sad and happy events. How is one to know how to be a father or a daughter?
Category | Official Competition |
Section | Elements +10 |
Tipology | Short Film |