Archivio Film

  • Filters

C’era una volta un mostro brutto e violento che non piaceva a nessuno. Un giorno il mostro giunse in una piccola città per cercare del cibo e incontrò una bambina. Il mostro...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Un film sulla gestione delle emozioni difficili e l'importanza dell’amicizia.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Ogni giorno fratello e sorella litigano senza tregua. Poi un giorno accade un incidente inaspettato a causa della loro lotta

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Un piccolo arancio vuole essere un ananas.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

In the middle of a quiet toy store sits an old grand piano. Hidden in one of the piano’s legs lives Tiny, a little mouse and his family. Tiny dreams of being a dancer, but his...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

È primavera. Su una collina, una bambina e suo padre piantano un arbusto. Col passare delle stagioni, l'albero e la bambina crescono. Un giorno, pronta a volare da sola, la...

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Pickels accidentally empties a little pond. To his misfortune his friends have planned to go for a swim there the next day. Pickels must bring the water back, come what may!

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

In the calm of the jungle, an unusual noise scares the animals who panic one after the other; as the rumour spreads, their behaviour becomes increasingly irrational.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Adele has to face her first day at a new school. She's shy and during playtime she sits on her own watching the others playing football. But her shadow is not nearly as shy as she...

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Spycat deve catturare Capitan Chico, che con il suo ultimo piano diabolico intende impossessarsi di ogni prodotto di carta che ci sia al mondo.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film