Archivio Film

  • Filters

It’s hot. The weather frog is alarmed: if what the kids say it’s true, terrible things could happen to the climate!

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +6
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Laura viene svegliata bruscamente dal pianto agitato del suo fratellino Tommy: i mostri dei sogni hanno rubato il suo cagnolino, un peluche che lo faceva sentire protetto. Come...

Category Out of competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

Un film sulla gestione delle emozioni difficili e l'importanza dell’amicizia.

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Pickels accidentally empties a little pond. To his misfortune his friends have planned to go for a swim there the next day. Pickels must bring the water back, come what may!

Category Official Competition
Section Elements +3
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Once upon a time there was a very endearing, very likeable man, who lived on his own. Because he liked children so very much, he wished he could have a child himself. He therefore...

Category Out of competition
Section Short Link
Tipology Animation, Short Film

Giorno dopo giorno, il signor Grimm è impegnato nel suo lavoro di Mietitore di vite umane. Un giorno la sua monotona esistenza viene interrotta dal suono del campanello. Alla...

Category Official Competition
Section Generator +13
Tipology Animation, Short Film