Archivio Film

  • Filters

Anna's childhood is destroyed by adults. At the age of 10, the child will have to find her own way.

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Animation, Short Film

After having a bout of one-upmanship, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Becky Thatcher sneak aboard an airship piloted by Mark Twain in an attempt to become famous aeronauts. Upon...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Animation, Feature Film

The comic story of a family of bears who sit down to dinner and open a bottle of wine, only to be challenged by a pesky fly. The elusive fly and a single-minded bear team up to...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Animation, Short Film

A grandmother and her granddaughter arrive in Cerveteri, one of the most important Etruscan archaeological sites in Italy. A precious vase has recently been found that is stolen...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Short Film

Antonis goes around the world looking for what fear is and lives different adventures. At the end she marries a woman presented to her by her fair friends. Then he goes back on...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Paula and her friends protest and fight to save a grove from the bulldozer. Eventually his brother will discover in the cave in the forest fossil finds that will save the place of...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Adventure film about the boy Hodja who gets a magic carpet of a wise old carpet man. A wicked and desirous of power sultan will get their hands on the carpet.

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film, Fiction

From a story by Vaklan Rezac. End of the 18th century. A hatter opposes a man's mercenaries and is arrested. The son and daughter with the help of a magic hat to save him will...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film

Layos pretends to have been kidnapped to get his mother, who would like to remarry, the money to go look for his father. To help him friends and at some point even a policeman.

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film, Fiction

Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two friendly ghosts. Eleven-year-old Michael loses all of his hair when he gets a fright and uses the potion to...

Category Official Competition
Section Competition
Tipology Feature Film