Body positivity, rebirth, freedom to love without labels, disability, friendship, magic, dreams, family relationships and delicate topics such as bulimia, anorexia and multiple sclerosis: these are just some of the subjects addressed by the first titles selected for #Giffoni2022, scheduled from July 21 to 30.
The call for submissions for the official section of the 52nd edition of the Giffoni Film Festival, scheduled from July 21 to 30, 2022, is now open for feature films, short films (both fiction and animated films) and documentaries.
Love for cinema comes from a very young age. In the darkness of a screening room it is easy to be enchanted by stories, sometimes far from our everyday life and able to offer us a new point of view on the world, others so intimate and exciting that we discover something more about ourselves.
The freedom to grow up and follow one's own path, the value of friendship, the courage to face small and large fears, respect for diversity and also the great contemporary issues, dreams and intergenerational conflicts: these are some of the main themes of the productions in competition at the Winter Edition from Italy and all over Europe, as well as from the United States, Iran, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Russia, Turkey and Israel.
On 20 December, after the screening in the digital cinema of #Giffoni50 Winter Edition, a live online Q&A to talk about cybercrime and minors
Here are all the titles in competition in the first three sections of the festival scheduled August 18 - 22 and August 25 - 29
The 101 titles in competition at Giffoni 2019
Nineteen International productions from all over Europe but also from Japan,South Korea, Canada and America: The selection of films included in the official competition of the 49th edition of the Giffoni Film Festival, scheduled 19 - 27 July, is starting to take shape.
Even the youngest kids carefully paid attention:  Giffoni Film Festival 48th edition jurors have also been in charge of awarding the winning shorts with the Gryphon Award 2018.
Published in 28 July #giffoni2018
There are eleven Italian titles selected for the competition
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