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Marco D'Amore

Blue Carpet & Meeting Juries

Marco D’Amore, born in 1981, studied acting at “Scuola d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi” in Milano.

He has worked on stage with Toni Servillo (La trilogia della villeggiatura), Andrea Renzi (Pinocchio, Santa Maria d’America), Elena Bucci (Macbeth, Santa Giovanna dei macelli). He founded “La piccola società” his own group in 2007, together with writer Francesco Ghiaccio and as a director and actor worked on the following titles: “Solita Formula”, “L’albero” , “Il figlio di Amleto” and “L’acquario”.  He has also worked on shortfilms such as Gabiano con una sola b and Voci bianche, written by himself and directed by Francesco Ghiaccio, which premiered at the Torino Film Festival in 2007 and 2012 respectively.

On the big screen his film credits include Una vita tranquilla with Toni Servillo by Claudio Cupellini, which played at the Festival del Cinema di Roma in 2010, Love is all you need by Oscar Susanne Bier. On TV he is one of the stars of Benvenuti a tavola with Giorgio Tirabassi and Fabrizio Bentivoglio and Gomorra – la serie directed by Stefano Sollima, Claudio Cupellini, Francesca Comencini for Sky, Cattleya, Fandango and Beta Film. We will see him on the big screen soon in Perez, with Luca Zingaretti directed by Edoardo De Angelis, and in Claudio Cupellini’s I principianti – the Beginners

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  • Filmography:

    Una vita tranquilla (2010)
    Benvenuti a tavola (fiction tv, 2011)
    Love Is All You Need (2012)
    Gomorra – la serie (2014)
    Perez (2014)